I Fink U Freeky

very weird music and sounds Sweden or something. I dont like this song what-so-ever. Weird rat lady, very disturbing XD. I dont know what to write or even think about this. This sounds like some techno crap that went downhill fast. Can’t understand them very well. They look like a mix of a rat queen…

WTF (Where They From)

Makes me feel like dancing. Good beat. Makes me wanna stick my tongue out at one part. Weird puppet part since I hate puppets. Great moves but puppets still freak me out. Video is both colorful and dark in some scenes. Great beat. People dancing to a great beat.Wondering where they are from. One lady…


I feel calm, I feel relaxed. Makes me think about the friends I left. Makes me feel powerful and relating to her. The music sounds jazzy. I can picture a guy named Tyrone who is tall who is also stingy and wants money like a big boss guy. This guy seems like he is all…