I Fink U Freeky

very weird music and sounds Sweden or something. I dont like this song what-so-ever. Weird rat lady, very disturbing XD. I dont know what to write or even think about this. This sounds like some techno crap that went downhill fast. Can’t understand them very well. They look like a mix of a rat queen & king and Fred Flintstone. Crazy music video and song. Sounds like a dance song more than a good listening song. Definitely weird. My hand hurts now…sad. I dont know what else to say about this extremely weird song/video. I dont know at all honestly. I disliked this entire video. Their words are as weird as their outfits!!! I dont know honestly, I’m in shock with this song tbh. I like rats but not anymore b/c of this video! I smell like candy . That was a weird weird weird weird weird really weird video. Rats are cool but not those rats man. She had rats all over her in the video…crazy stuff man!I made a perfect box of my emotions because of that song.

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