Blog Posts

My first blog post:

I feel calm, I feel relaxed. Makes me think about the friends I left. Makes me feel powerful and relating to her. The music sounds jazzy. I can picture a guy named Tyrone who is tall who is also stingy and wants money like a big boss guy. This guy seems like he is all that and makes the girl pay and has an attitude. Sounds like a song of someone with money issues. She sounds like a queen. She doesn’t want to deal with him and who he wants her to pay for. She’s done with it. She wants them to pick themselves up rather than relying on her. She wants them to stop asking her and call Tyrone rather than her.When he asks for cash, she gives it but when she asks, he won’t return the favor. She’s tired of dealing with him and his friends. Call Tyrone to deal with his crap and she will not allow him to use her anymore as he already has. Reminds me of when my friend Sarah buys her brother everything he asks for and takes him places but he can’t return the favor because he’s selfish. He is always asking, non-stop. Every time I’m with her, he always asks far a favor. She has said no a few times but then he throws a fit. The colors in the video are colorful, bright.

My second blog post:

Makes me feel like dancing. Good beat. Makes me wanna stick my tongue out at one part. Weird puppet part since I hate puppets. Great moves but puppets still freak me out. Video is both colorful and dark in some scenes. Great beat. People dancing to a great beat.Wondering where they are from. One lady is so faded not exaggerating. I like the makeup on some people if I was in a music video. Reminds me of what my friends would think if I show them the music I like to listen to sometimes. Pharrell doesn’t sound like Pharrell that I’ve heard with that “Happy” song. Video has me wondering who she is talking about. Clothes are really interesting, I have a shirt like the black and white scene. My hand hurts. Makes me want to go to the club and dance.

My last blog post:

Tried to make me go to rehab…the song is very catching and gets me moving for sure I like this song and the beat. It is both jazzy and pop like music and beat. It’s almost as if her dad wants her to go to rehab. She mention Hathaway which makes me think of Ann Hathaway which I like her as an actress, she’s great. I dont know why she needs to go to rehab but refuses. I would like to know. She is gonna lose her baby if she doesnt straighten up. Im really tired rn. Her video is more modern than I expected. She has nice taste in style and makeup. Her wings on her eyes remind me of my wings that are on the side of my eyes. She has pride to not go to rehab. She cries to get them to know that she doesnt need or want to go to rehab. Her dad thinks she is fine i guess. I dont know exactly who wants her to go to rehab…crazy ex? husband? no idea…